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OMAH Celebrates Its Silver Anniversary When The Museum Turns 25 Next Month

For 25 years, OMAH has been a vital part of the community as Orillia’s cultural hub, showcasing local art & history. The Orillia Museum of Art & History (OMAH) is celebrating a milestone birthday on August 9, 2024.  While we reflect on our past 25 years, we are also looking forward to our next 25 years.

On Friday, August 9, we encourage everyone to visit the museum from 11am to 4pm to participate in hands-on activities for all ages and enjoy free admission all day.  Also, visitors will be able to view five exhibitions and learn more about what the museum has to offer. 

Museums, like OMAH, remain relevant, by providing entertainment that is not only engaging, but educational as well.  Museums are inclusive and provide democratic space for multiple voices for the past and for the future.  And, museums safeguard memories and objects for future generations and guarantee equal rights and equal access to heritage for all people.

OMAH is that kind of museum where staff and volunteers pride themselves on being passionately personal and providing engaging experiences in order to grow audiences within this safe space that they provide.  As an agent of social change, the museum works with the community to address what matters to people.   

In order to ensure that OMAH becomes a more welcoming and inclusive place for all and to increase that statistic, we continue to open our doors even wider. The museum strives to make art, history and culture essential and a part of everyday lives. 

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