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New HVAC Installation At Historic Bressette House Enhances Comfort And Preservation Efforts

The Georgian Bay Historical Society and Southeast Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce & Tourism are thrilled to announce the successful installation of a new HVAC unit at the historic Bressette House.

Proposed by the Georgian Bay Township Historical Society and Southeast Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce, the project was approved by Council to allocate funds to replace a 30-year-old, non working propane furnace with a new, all electric, high efficiency heat pump (including a smart thermostat that will further increase efficiency) providing a clean energy source of heat and AC.

Collaboratively working together, Chamber member G4Energy, owner Gary Lyons stepped up to the plate to offer his and his staff’s assistance. Georgian Bay Historical Society President Ron Breckbill stated the project took approximately 3 weeks to complete, and cost approximately $15,000.

“The GBT Historical is pleased to have been a part in spearheading the installation of the new, clean energy heat pump in the Historic Bressette House.  Partnering with SEGBAY and the Township Council and staff, we are proud to have this 135+ year old pioneer homestead be an example of our proud past and hopeful future for our environment” Ron Breckbill, Georgian Bay Township Historical Society. 


The investment from the Township’s Council aims to ensure the comfort of the Chamber staff during the cold months while also preserving the integrity of this cherished historic site. The Bressette House serves as a vital hub for the community engagement and tourism for the region.

Mayor Peter Koetsier, Township of Georgian Bay commented, “Investing in our heritage sites like the Bressette House is crucial for both community pride and tourism. This HVAC installation is a significant step in ensuring that our historical landmarks remain functional and welcoming to visitors and staff alike and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.”

The Georgian Bay Township Historical Society, along with their partners look forward to continuing efforts that celebrate and preserve the rich history of the Township of Georgian Bay while fostering a thriving community.

For more information about the Bressette House or other historical sites please visit or contact Trisha Walton, Communications & Sustainability Officer, or 705-528-2437.

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