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Marc Mantha Runs For Mayor Of Gravenhurst

Marc Mantha

Marc Mantha. Photo courtesy of Marc Mantha

Former Green Party candidate Marc Mantha has announced the he will be entering the mayoral race in Gravenhurst, running against fellow candidate Terry Pilger. Mantha released the following statement to announce his candidacy:

“First, thank you does not transcend the gratitude for all the volunteers, that stepped up, and scaled up support for our vulnerable friends and neighbours. The work continues and so will the stories and recognition of all those that make a difference in our communities.

We have experienced a lot of change and challenges this last term of Council.

Let’s be over the top in our ambitions for sustainable economic development, support for our local businesses and to secure more local healthcare services.

I will always support and trumpet town initiatives that improve the quality of life for everyone, while being fiscally responsible. I appreciate taxpayer value.

I have a long standing career background and track record in business development. I have always looked forward to diving deep into the town budget process with a respectful approach and a collaborative spirit.

Arts, culture and history are rich in our diverse community, and we’re ready to celebrate again. I’m looking forward to our many shows, festivals, music, theatre, markets and meeting again with our local purveyors of history.

Housing has remained a long time challenge. The crisis is tragic. Not only for individuals, working families and seniors who can’t make ends meet, but for ‘ready to hire’ health service and other professionals who we need and want to work here but can’t find suitable homes. Some interesting possibilities maybe on the horizon with community wide support.

Our precious lakes and landscapes are the foundation of our Muskoka identify and lifestyle. And I’m looking forward to engaging with our Indigenous Communities, Conservation, Lake and Cottage Associations.

I’m keen on the issues that matter to you, having attended many Council and Committee meetings over the years, and a lot of chats on front stoops everywhere about our quality of life, our well being, mental health resources, and the future of our youth.

And kudos to our town’s commitment to reducing green house gases!

A healthy, prosperous community is one where all parts of the big picture are working really well together.

We all deserve the best and will achieve that through collaboration, teamwork and respect.

Have a great summer. Enjoy our great lakes and landscapes.

Shop, sip and eat local, play safe. Let’s do great things together. Associations, Community Groups, anyone can meet with me in person, by contacting me through email at or message me on Facebook.”

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