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Marc Mantha Running In The Federal Election For Green Party Of Parry Sound-Muskoka

A submitted press release from the Green Party of Canada:

The Parry Sound-Muskoka Association of the Green Party of Canada is pleased to announce Marc Mantha as their candidate for Member of Parliament in the federal election.

Marc walks his talk. As a business development consultant with a green conscience he believes “We can all thrive, be sustainable and prosper together.” Raised as a northern boy, he spent years in Toronto building his career before moving to Muskoka to build a tiny home and right-size his life.

Marc ran for Gravenhurst Town Council in 2018 but he doesn’t just show up at election time. He shows up all the time, active in community support, volunteer organizations, on the board of Legacy for Alex, a not-for-profit organization focussed on youth mental health and as president of the Ryde Community Co-op. He also writes and narrates a community radio program on The Bay 88.7FM called “My Sustainable Life”, about rethinking communities and how we live. Marc is Métis.

“It’s not exclusive, but we are inherently humanitarian, collaborative and community focussed” said Mantha. “Land based learning for our youth is essential and in every way the most basic necessity for our community well-being. Indigenous peoples are the original ‘greens’ and guardians of sustainability”.

As a strong supporter of the Moon River Métis Council and Community, he has taken on seeking out vulnerable community members by regularly traveling the vast catchment of the Moon River Métis much of which lies within the riding of Parry Sound Muskoka.

“In my lifetime the lack of ongoing continuity between the dominant parties has never resulted in a sum total improvement in the quality of life for seniors, families and indigenous communities. My friends and neighbours across all party lines feel the same. I will collaborate with anyone who wants to improve our quality of life. I can only do so much at the household and community level. We now need an MP in Ottawa to echo the voices of our communities to mitigate the climate crisis. To develop prosperous local and regional economies and healthy, diverse, inclusive communities.”

“We are inherently green. So let’s vote that way. Marc is running. Run with him.”

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