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Local Climate Action Groups Organize Climate March And Climate Strikes In Solidarity With Global Action

By: Climate Action Muskoka

Climate Action Muskoka, Climate Action Parry Sound and Almaguin Climate Action invite you to join us in Huntsville on Sunday, September 17 at 1:30 pm for a Global March to End Fossil Fuels. We will meet at Flag Park (West Rd., & Centre. St. N.) and together we will march down to River Mill Park. There will be group chants before we set out and some brief speeches at River Mill Park. Bring your End Fossil Fuels signage.

Why Now?

This is part of a global call to action involving thousands of climate action groups worldwide demanding an end to our heavy reliance on fossil fuels. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is hosting a global Climate Ambition Summit in New York City in September in which the “ticket to entry” is tangible action to keep fossil fuels in the ground. Thousands of climate groups worldwide are planning climate strikes on Sept 15 and marches to end fossil fuels on Sept 17, including a mass demonstration — March to End Fossil Fuels in New York.

Our Huntsville action is in solidarity with | Fridays for Future | Fight Fossil Fuels | David Suzuki Foundation | Climate Action Network and many more!


We are also hosting climate strikes on Friday September 15 from 11:30 to 12:30 pm. Join us in Huntsville at Town Hall and in Bracebridge at Memorial Park. Bring your End Fossil Fuel signage. More locations may be added so be sure to check out the CAM Facebook page and/or the Climate Action Parry Sound Facebook page for updates. See you there!

#EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever


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