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Let’s Make Camping Snacks This Weekend

Camping Squares Recipe

These are the perfect camping snacks – and good for you too!

3/4 Cup Unsalted Butter
1 Bag of Marshmallows (16oz)
7 Cups Cracker Jacks
4 Cups Coarsely Chopped Salted Mini Pretzels
1 Cup Cocktail Peanuts
3/4 tsp Salt

*Butter a 13-by-9-inch baking pan
*Melt Butter until brown and fragrant (4-6 minutes)
*Remove from heat and stir in marshmallows until melted
*Fold in Cracker Jacks, pretzels, peanuts and salt until coated
*Transfer mixture to the prepared pan and press into an even layer
*Cool completely and cut into squares

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