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Invitation for Public Feedback on Municipal Accommodation Tax Draft By-law

The Township of Lake of Bays has released a Draft Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) By-law for public review and comment via a survey and public meeting. This important step brings the Township closer to implementing a MAT program, which aims to support and grow local tourism initiatives such as area promotion, trail system improvements, and the expansion of local events, among others.

Key points of the draft By-law include:

The Township’s Draft MAT By-law survey is now open where the public is encouraged to submit feedback by October 18th, 2024. Additionally, a public meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 12, 2024, where Council will consider the draft by-law, and receive further feedback from residents, stakeholders, and accommodation providers wishing to speak to Council on the topic through a delegation.

The survey, draft by-law, and further information is available on the Township’s website at

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