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Investing Remains A Taboo Topic For 75% Of Canadians

(CNW Group/Money We Have)

As the country weathers an unprecedented pandemic, Canadian investors are also rising to meet unexpected challenges and opportunities. However, they may be making investment decisions (mostly) alone. New data shows that Canadians remain unlikely to discuss investments with friends and family. As uncovered in a new national survey (commissioned by Sharechest™ Inc. and conducted among members of the online Angus Reid Forum), 75% of Canadians think it’s simply rude to ask others about their investments and finances.

A) Rudeness Rankings:

To understand why Canadians clam up when talking about investments, Sharechest™ Inc. surveyed specifically what information Canadians thought was ‘rude’ to ask.

Nationally, 75% found at least one of Sharechest™ Inc.’s financial/investment questions to be rude:

“It really doesn’t seem possible to change the conversation about Canadian investing until we can bring ourselves to have an actual conversation about it,” said Chad Williams, the proudly Canadian Chairman and Founder of Sharechest™ Inc. “Let’s all stop being so clammed up and stereotypically ‘Canadian’ about investing and share some information with our friends and family, so we can all make better and informed investment decisions.”

B) Key findings of the survey:

1) English and French Canadians are split on spilling investment information:

2) ‘Taboo topics’ trump investment talk:

3) A significant number of ‘significant others’ AREN’T talking about investments:

4) Men are far more open about money/investments:

“With more and more Canadians choosing to manage their own investments, Sharechest™ is on a mission to completely change with how investors think, act and interact with companies and platforms,” added Williams. “Certainly, the first step is getting over our aversion to open investment discussions. The most important part is having new, easier, painless and sustainable ways for Canadians to find investment opportunities that also enable companies to find new and easier ways to attract financing.”

Additional findings of the survey:

Younger Canadians are a lot more open about investments

Many parents aren’t passing on their investment plans:

Friends and finance:

SOURCE Sharechest Inc.

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