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Gravenhurst Council Approves 2022 Budget Tax Rate Increase Of One Per Cent

At Wednesday’s Special Budget Council Meeting, Council approved the 2022 Budget which will result in a 1% increase to the Town of Gravenhurst share of the tax rate for 2022.

Deliberations of both the operating and capital budgets took place electronically over the course of two days, beginning on Tuesday, December 7th and were streamed live on the Town’s YouTube channel.

“This has been another challenging year for our community. This Council recognizes the struggles many have endured as we navigate through the complexities of this ongoing pandemic. The approved 2022 Budget reflects a desire to keep taxes down while continuing to address the needs of our residents and businesses as we gradually come out of a difficult couple of years,” said Mayor Kelly.

Chief Administrative Officer Scott Lucas reminded Council that notwithstanding the tight financial guideline provided by Council, this was not a “status-quo” budget by any means. In the 2022 Budget, Council approved resources to:

  1. Conduct a Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability Assessment and Climate Action Plan
  2. Expand by-law enforcement capability in the community
  3. Provide accessible washrooms in the downtown core and improve accessibility at multiple other locations
  4. Action a Wharf Revitalization Plan and look to expand the current CIP (Community Improvement Program)
  5. Address priority needs related to Town roads, bridges, and storm-water drainage
  6. Update the Zoning By-law to facilitate the provision of attainable housing in our community
  7. Improve customer responsiveness and work order tracking in the Infrastructure Services Divisions
  8. Develop a Strategic Plan for the Gravenhurst Opera House that includes consideration of an appropriate governance structure
  9. Introduce EV (electric vehicle) charging stations at strategic locations over a multi-year timeframe

The impact on the Town property tax bill would see an increase of $4.66 per $100,000 of assessment on the Town share of the Gravenhurst property tax bill. The median single-family residence will see on their 2022 Property Tax Bill a 1.7% increase for urban properties and 1.9% increase for rural properties.

With an investment of approximately $8.1 million in Town assets and related studies, 70 projects will get underway in 2022, financed largely through capital reserves and internal borrowing.

“I am grateful to Council and Staff for working together to deliver a budget that is prudent, responsible and considerate of our environment. With strong Council leadership and the commitment of our dedicated Staff, I am confident the needs and best interests of our community will be better served in 2022. I would also like to thank Budget Chair John Gordon for chairing his 4th and final budget for this term of Council,” said Mayor Kelly.

Full details of the approved 2022 budget can be found at

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