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Face Mask Mandates Slowed The Spread Of COVID-19 In Canada

While face masks do not cure COVID-19, their use has dramatically slowed down the spread of the virus.  This is why the Canadian government took a firm stance by mandating the compulsory use of face masks by the general public. 

The mandate from the government argued that due to the highly infectious nature of the coronavirus, it is advisable for everyone to use some form of face protection.  The information also stated that using any type of face covering, including face shields, a bandana or cotton-based earloop face masks for example, will be encouraged.

The mandate went further to discourage the use of surgical masks by non-health workers.  This was due to the fact that surgical masks and respirators are in limited supply and therefore should be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders.

The CDC also stressed that using a face mask with an exhalation vent does not help the cause.  This is because the respiratory droplets responsible for the spread of the virus can escape from the vent. 

The mandate recognised the difficulties that people with respiratory deficiencies may experience while using face masks and provided an exemption.  People that are hard of hearing, people interacting with them and children of preschool age are also exempted from the list.

Face shields have been around for a while, but due to the coronavirus pandemic they have recently gained more prominence.  In a situation when lip-reading is important for communication, like talking to the hearing impared, using a face shield is a recommended alternative.  However, a face shield should not be considered as a replacement for a face mask in normal condition.

The use of face masks, combined with the 6-foot social distancing rule is still the best way to reduce the spread of the virus.  In schools, offices, shopping centres, libraries and any public place, these two rules should be strictly adhered to. 

Individuals are encouraged to avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth.  This is because while the virus may be a respiratory problem, it can also survive on surfaces that your hands may come in contact with.  

Due to the risk of getting infected through contact from your own hand, using a face mask also prevents you from touching your face. 

Individuals are encouraged to use hand sanitizers in addition to wearing face masks.  Through careful and regular sanitizing of your hands and environment, you can reduce the chances of contracting or spreading the virus. Sanitizing your hands and wiping down key touch points with antibacterial wipes is particularly important if you feel or suspect that you may be sick.

The COVID-19 virus has caused unprecedented health, political and economical unrest globally.  Therefore Canada has employed a face mask mandate in order to limit a second wave of lockdowns.

By adhering to the mandates relating to the use of face masks and following other steps taken to curb the spread of the virus, Canada can continue to slow the spread of COVID-19 within its borders.

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