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Toronto Hydro Shares How To Stay Emergency Ready And Safe From Powerlines

Emergency Preparedness (EP) Week is May 5–11, followed by Powerline Safety Week from May 13–19, and Toronto Hydro is sharing information to help customers stay emergency-ready and safe from powerlines.

Emergencies such as extreme weather events can happen at any time and have the potential to cause extended power outages. In the event of an outage, it’s important for customers to be as prepared as possible to help keep themselves and their loved ones safe and comfortable while crews work to address safety issues and restore power.

To help customers stay emergency-ready, Toronto Hydro is reminding customers to:

Extreme weather events can also bring trees and branches down onto powerlines and cause unsafe conditions. While powerlines are one of the most important types of equipment for utilities, they’re also one of the most dangerous. Below are tips on how to stay safe around downed powerlines:

Toronto Hydro is committed to keeping customers safe at home, at work and around the city. For more information, please visit

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