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Subcommittee Recruitment On Now In Gravenhurst

Now that the 2022 Municipal Election has concluded, the Town of Gravenhurst is looking to appoint new members on the various boards and committees for the 2022-2026 term of Council.

“Participating on a board or committee is a chance to represent and help shape your community and be a champion for important matters with a direct voice to Town Council. The Town is fortunate to have had dozens of committed and enthusiastic residents participate on its subcommittees during the last four years. We eagerly look forward to seeing who will carry each torch for the next four,” said Jonathan Gilston, Deputy Clerk.

Some of the available boards and committees for consideration include the Accessibility Advisory Committee, Sustainability Advisory Committee, Library Board, Municipal Heritage Committee, just to name a few. The public are encouraged to find more information on Town subcommittees at

Applications are due by Wednesday, November 30th at 4:30 p.m. and can be found online at 

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