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Stay Clear, Stay Safe This Labour Day Weekend

Sidney Generating Station on the Trent River (CNW Group/Ontario Power Generation Inc.)

Many families are eager to enjoy the last long weekend of summer.  Waterways will be buzzing with people out having fun. Ontario Power Generation (OPG) reminds you the dangers around hydroelectric stations and dams are real – stay clear, stay safe.

You may feel you understand the risks, but if you choose to swim, boat or fish near a hydroelectric station or dam, your life is on the line. Calm riverbeds below dams may look inviting but they can quickly change into rapidly flowing waterways with dangerous currents.

For more information about water safety, please visit:

Quick facts

“The message is simple, stay clear, stay safe,” said Paul Seguin, OPG SVP, Renewable Generation. “Enjoy this last long weekend of the summer safely, by paying attention to water levels, warning signs, and fences and other barriers.”

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