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Ramara’s Proposed 2023 Waterfront Parking Strategy Seeks Public Feedback

Photo courtesy of Township of Ramara

The Township of Ramara wants to hear from the community on the proposed 2023 Waterfront Parking Strategy presented in a staff report to Council on March 13, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting.

In 2021, Council implemented increased parking restrictions, a paid parking system and a resident-only permit system for waterfront parking areas in Ramara due to increased traffic to Ramara’s waterfront access, beach and park locations during the pandemic. The feedback received will determine if one of the three proposed options will meet the community’s needs and expectations for parking demands post-pandemic.

The Staff report identifies the three proposed options.

Option A

1. Discontinuance of the resident parking permit system in all waterfront areas, except

2. Continuance of the paid parking program through Honk for the following areas:

3. Continuance of parking restrictions at the following areas

Option B

1. Discontinuance of the resident parking permit system and paid parking areas in all areas of the Township with standard parking restrictions found in the Township Parking Control bylaw being enforced.

2. Continuance of parking restrictions at the following areas

Option C

1. The current Waterfront Strategy implemented in 2021 remain in place for 2023. This includes the resident parking permit system, paid parking system and all identified parking restrictions.

2. This option would require a full order of 2023 Parking Permits be placed and staff time to administer and issue the permits to residents. Each property owner would be eligible for two (2) free permits and a third at a cost of $25.00. Committee approved Option A be implemented for the Waterfront Parking Strategy and Resident Parking Permits for 2023.

Members of Council want to hear from YOU! Fill out the online feedback form at or contact your Ward Councillor today!

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