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Physical Activity: Your Best Ally During The Pandemic To Control Anxiety And A Sedentary Lifestyle Leading To Weight Gain

As part of the 2020 National Kinesiology Week, kinesiologists want to help Canadians develop strategies to move better and live better for their mental and physical health.

As part of the 2020 National Kinesiology Week, presented by Hexfit, that takes place from November 23 to 29, the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance wishes to remind Canadians that staying physically active is more important than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic. As many Canadians will agree, the first wave took everyone by surprise and for many led to increased stress, anxiety, depression, a sedentary lifestyle and weight gain. Knowing that happiness can improve the immune system and that obesity is one of the main factors leading to complications related to the coronavirus, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key and kinesiologists can help support both physical and mental health.


According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, the number of Canadians who have reported feeling depressed or anxious about the impact of COVID-19 has increased again this Fall, getting closer to the same level of last Spring1. In these stressful times, many might be tempted to resort to old patterns like overeating, binge-watching television series or increasing the use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs in order to relieve anxiety. All of these represent attempts to take your mind off your worries, or in some instinctual way, alter the brain’s chemistry. However, there is one sure-fire strategy for reducing stress and improving mood that also yields positive long-term effect that are even more conducive to happiness: physical activity. Unfortunately, data shows that half of Canadians affected by a mood or anxiety disorder do not exercise on a regular basis.2

People who walk, run, bike or engage in some other form of physical activity, generally feel happier and less anxious. In addition to having more energy, physically active people get a sense of accomplishment from meeting personal fitness goals and pride in the improved physical appearance that comes from hours of training. Moreover, getting outdoors to train on a nice day is also known to stimulate the mind.

“Knowing the intense emotions we are experiencing in time of the COVID-19, we urge Canadians to find ways to include physical activities in their daily routines,” notes the president of the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance, Kathie Sharkey R.Kin. “Exercise is accessible to everyone and has health benefits that go beyond mental health.”


A recent study from the United Kingdom found that about a third of the people surveyed gained weight during the first confinement3 and many indicators show that Canadians probably followed suit. This should be of major concern since, in addition to increasing the risk for type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, hypertension and a number of other health issues, obesity is among the underlying conditions that can put people at a higher risk of developing more severe cases of COVID-19.4


Testing and vaccines are not in our control. How we eat, how we move, and how easily we slip back into old personal habits are. However, with the current coronavirus pandemic come increased challenges to maintaining a physically active lifestyle. Gyms across the country are now less accessible and, with winter nearly upon us, many people are concerned that their level of physical activity will drop significantly.

“Since moderate-intensity physical activity is associated with a healthier immune system, lower levels of anxiety and weight control, kinesiologists can play a key role in supporting their clients in these stressful times,” adds Sharkey. “They can also help develop a personalized plan that will take into consideration the public health restrictions linked to COVID-19.”


The 2020 National Kinesiology Week is the perfect time to be active and to discover how a kinesiologist can help you:



Kinesiologists are human-movement specialists. As trained health professionals, they use the science of exercise and movement to promote health and well-being; prevent, manage and rehabilitate chronic conditions; restore function and optimize human performance in the workplace, clinical settings, sports and fitness. They work with people of all ages and with physical abilities, in many settings, in order to improve the quality of life, often by using interventions that include physical activity.

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