Over the past month, public parks and beaches in Bracebridge have been subject to an increase in activity, which has resulted in several reports of inappropriate behaviour and health and safety concerns. As a direct response, the Town of Bracebridge is working with the local OPP detachment to have paid duty police officers patrolling local beaches beginning August 8, 2020. “The health and safety of our community is a priority for the Town, and I am confident that having a police presence in these high traffic areas will assist in keeping everyone safe,” said Stephen Rettie, Chief Administrative Officer. “We are pleased that our friends at our local OPP detachment have responded swiftly to begin patrolling these areas immediately.”
Officers will be deployed to Town beaches beginning August 8, 2020, and the OPP will continue to patrol these areas until at least September 7, 2020, where available to do so.