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OSMH Implements COVID-19 Restrictions Effective Immediately

Visitor access into Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital (OSMH) is being reduced as a precaution against spread of COVID-19.

Effectively immediately, the hospital will permit only one visitor per patient at any given time, with visiting hours reduced from 24 hours a day, back to designated hours from 9 a.m. to 9p.m.  There will be some exceptions on compassionate or clinical grounds.

OSMH is now actively screening all visitors and patients as they enter the hospital.   Upon arrival, everyone will be asked specific questions by screeners before being permitted entry.

The hospital continues to advise visitors who feel unwell, but do not require care, to avoid coming to the hospital.   Those that do come to the hospital are reminded to wash their hands thoroughly as they enter and exit different areas.

In summary,

Postponement of elective, non-urgent procedures

To reduce non-essential visits to the hospital and as a precaution against the spread of COVID-19, OSMH is postponing elective, non-urgent surgical procedures, effective Monday March 16, 2020.  The hospital will be reaching out to patients to advise them of the postponement.    All inpatient and outpatient services are being prioritized to ensure needed services are provided in a timely manner.

Visitor and patient information

The Public Health Agency of Canada and the Ministry of Health advise all travelers to monitor their health for fever, cough, and difficulty breathing for 14 days after arriving back in Canada.  If symptoms develop within 14 days, returning travelers are directed to self-isolate as quickly as possible and immediately call their health care professionals or public health.    Symptoms include a fever, new or worsening cough or difficulty breathing.

If you’re unsure:

Where to go for more information

Ministry of Health: Coronavirus information page 

Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit:

Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital:

Government of Canada:

World Health Organization (WHO):

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