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OPP Gear Up For The Last Long Weekend Of Summer

As families and people head out on roads for the last long weekend of summer, they have the same expectations as the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) – that all drivers do their part to keep everyone safe on roadways.

Despite OPP officers working 24/7 across the province to keep roads safe, drivers have contributed to a significant increase in preventable roads deaths this year. Noting that traffic volumes have increased this year over 2021, the OPP has responded to 203 fatal road collisions in which 229 people have died. Among the fatalities are 33 motorcyclists, 17 pedestrians and nine (9) cyclists.

Off-road vehicle deaths are also significantly up (19), and boating fatalities (20) are not far off last year’s mark.

Whether on roads, waterways or trails, the OPP is reminding Ontarians that travelling safely and complying with all laws that are designed to keep people safe on and off the road is the only way to keep everyone safe over the long weekend and throughout the year.

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