Back to remote learning on Monday.
The Ontario government has ordered all publicly funded schools in Ontario to temporarily move to remote learning starting on Monday January 4.
This means that the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic School Board and Trillium Lakelands District School Board elementary schools will be closed for an additional week following the holiday break, with online learning starting on January 4, reopening to in-class learning on January 11. Secondary schools will also remain closed, with online learning starting on January 4, reopening to in-class learning on January 25.
Online learning instructions
All students have access to an online classroom using one of the following platforms: Google Classroom, Seesaw or Brightspace. The school day schedule will continue to be followed and curriculum will be delivered via a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning instruction.
Classroom teachers will reach out directly to families to ensure your child is ready for online learning on January 4. If you have any questions, or if your child requires access to a device to support their learning, please contact your child’s school directly on January 4.
All COVID-19 information and updates can be found at or