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Ontario Opens Lodges, Cottage Resorts And Short Term Rentals

Norm Miller, MPP for Parry Sound-Muskoka is pleased to share the good news that short-term rentals including lodges, cabins, cottages, homes, condominiums and B&Bs will be allowed to resume operations in Ontario starting tomorrow.

“This is great news for the owners and staff of our many small resorts, lodges and cottage rental agencies across Parry Sound-Muskoka,” said Miller. “I want to thank these business owners for their patience as the Ontario Government studied how to reopen our economy safely. While this will in no way be a normal summer at least this will give these businesses a chance to survive the COVID-19 crisis. The opening of these facilities will also bring more customers to shops and other small businesses.”

“Expanding the availability of short-term accommodations is an important part of Ontario’s reopening,” said Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. “We know owners of these properties want to ensure a safe experience for their guests.”

The government’s responsible and measured approach to reopening allows business owners and service providers time to ensure workplaces are safe for staff, consumers and the general public. Operators must continue to follow occupational health and safety guidelines and follow the advice of public health officials.

“Ontario’s tourism industry contributes $36 billion to the economy and supports thousands of small businesses across the province,” said Lisa MacLeod, Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries.

This announcement comes as the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs is holding hearings on how the tourism sector is being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This afternoon Resorts Ontario expressed that their biggest ask of government is the ability to open fully for the summer season.

“For 30 years my wife and I ran a small resort on the shores of Lake Muskoka so I understand the issues faced by this industry and I will continue to advocate for resorts and all accommodation providers,” said Miller.

Owners should consult health and safety guidelines related to the tourism and hospitality sector when considering how they can reopen their doors to guests. Operators and guests should continue to practice physical distancing, wear a face covering when physical distancing is a challenge, and wash hands frequently.

Individuals and business owners can access information to help them navigate the reopening by visiting                                            

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