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OHA Fully Supports Extension Of Stay-At-Home Order

While province is descending from third wave, critical care capacity remains strained

“The Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) fully supports the Government of Ontario’s decision to extend the Stay-at-Home Order until at least June 2, particularly given the ongoing critical care capacity challenges facing hospitals across the province.

Over the past week, Ontario has experienced a consistent downward trend in the number of COVID-19 patients in intensive care. However, there are currently 775 patients with COVID-related critical illness in adult and paediatric intensive care units (ICUs) with 37 new admissions. Hospitals are continuing to operate in a state of emergency and are doing everything they can to maintain equitable access to care.

As hospitals continue to address this historic crisis, it will take the unified effort of the people of Ontario if we are to continue to climb down from the third wave and reduce the risk of further waves. The OHA and its member hospitals deeply respect and appreciate the hard work and incredibly difficult sacrifices that continue to be made. With the support of every resident continuing to adhere to public health measures and getting vaccinated, we can stop the spread of this virus and prevent a fourth wave from ever occurring.” said Anthony Dale, President and CEO, Ontario Hospital Association

Given the continued demand for critical care services, it remains impossible for hospitals to provide non-urgent/scheduled health services at anywhere near normal levels. Hospitals are continuing to postpone some non-urgent surgeries and procedures to divert resources and redeploy staff to other higher priority areas of the hospital. The sector is continuing to take a ‘Team Ontario’ approach to critical care by relying on the practice of transferring patients out of hotspot regions and creating additional capacity in critical care through redeployment.

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