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Northern Secondary School Receives Generous Donation From Caisse Alliance

(Left to right) NSS teacher Kevin Baker, Caisse Alliance Regional Manager Marcy Lemieux and NSS principal Laurent Paquette hold a cheque in the school’s manufacturing lab.

Northern Secondary School’s (NSS) new Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program in mining and the classes in manufacturing and transportation will soon see some additional equipment that will enhance the student learning experience, thanks to the generosity of Caisse Alliance’s Sturgeon Falls branch.

Caisse Alliance proudly donated $10,000 to support the purchase of two welding machines and an ATV/UTV/motorcycle lift.

“I cannot thank Caisse Alliance enough for their generous donation. It is refreshing and important to have community involvement,” said Kevin Baker, NSS’ technical education teacher and SHSM lead. “When communities are interested in assisting schools to develop student experiences which reflect real-world opportunities, everybody wins. The tooling we will be adding to our manufacturing lab and transportation lab will enable our students to develop their skills on up-to-date, industry-standard equipment.”

SHSM programs help students to explore careers that are relevant to their community and as a future career path. These funds support this exploration in a meaningful way in this community.

Caisse Alliance’s regional manager, Marcy Lemieux noted, “Our Regional Co-operative Committee recently approved various projects in schools in the region who will each receive a $ 10,000 donation through our Caisse Alliance Fund. This fund was created to help finance projects that will have a long-term impact for as many members of our communities as possible. We are proud to be able to help Northern Secondary School with the purchase of welding equipment and equipment for their mechanics class which will have a positive impact on the development of the school and students.”

NNDSB’s Superintendent of Education Gay Smylie expressed her enthusiasm for the excellent work that Baker does for students.

“This is absolutely remarkable! When schools work together with their communities the students come out on top. Kudos to Mr. Baker at Northern Secondary for once again creating opportunities for his students to have access to the latest resources and technology to solidly prepare them for their futures.”

“Building and maintaining relationships in the communities of our schools is an important component in the success of student learning,” said Craig Myles, NNDSB’s Director of Education. “One of the main pillars of our new multi-year strategic plan is excellence in relationships. I cannot stress enough the importance that communities play in the lives of our students. Thank you, Caisse Alliance, for your generosity in helping enhance student learning opportunities at NNDSB and a sincere thank you to Kevin Baker for your strong passion for bringing new opportunities to students.”

Near North District School Board and Northern Secondary School extends a huge thank you to Caisse Alliance for its support of student learning.

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