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New Interim Detachment Commander For The Southern Georgian Bay OPP

An interim Detachment Commander has been named for the Southern Georgian Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) that came into effect June 20, 2022.

Staff Sergeant Derek Banks has been appointed by OPP Central Region Command staff to temporarily fulfill the duties of interim Detachment Commander with the rank of Acting Inspector during his tenure here at Southern Georgian Bay Detachment.

Acting Inspector Banks has been a serving member of the Ontario Provincial Police since 1995 and brings with him a variety of uniform based operational experience. He was most recently the Operations Manager at Huronia West and Orangeville Detachments

“I look forward to working with the staff of the Southern Georgian Bay Detachment and focusing on supporting the area communities over the coming summer months as we continue to promote the OPP’s Vision of ‘Safe Communities, A Secure Ontario.'” – Acting Inspector Derek Banks Southern Georgian Bay OPP Interim Detachment Commander.

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