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Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare Launches Enhanced Microsite To Strengthen Communication On Redevelopment

Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare (MAHC) is pleased to announce the launch of its newly enhanced microsite, designed to provide a clearer and more engaging overview of our capital Redevelopment Postcard Postcard project. This update, which incorporates valuable feedback from our Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC), physicians, staff, and community members, aims to strengthen communication and keep our community informed about the proposed plan for two new hospitals with new and enhanced services for our communities.

The revised microsite now includes a range of new features, including informative videos and interactive infographics, to help make the details of the redevelopment project more accessible and understandable for all community members.

“Our goal with the updated microsite is to offer a more comprehensive and user-friendly resource for our community,” said Cheryl Harrison, President and CEO of Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare. “We believe that by incorporating feedback and providing clear and engaging information, we can better keep everyone informed and involved in our plan to build two new hospitals for Muskoka and area. We invite everyone to visit the site, explore the new content, and stay connected with the progress of our redevelopment project.”

Key updates to the microsite include:

  1. New Videos: Offering clear explanations and insights into the redevelopment project and its benefits.
  2. Interactive Infographics: Presenting complex information in a more understandable and visual format.
  3. Updated FAQ Section: Providing answers to common questions and addressing key topics of interest.

To explore the enhanced microsite and learn more about the redevelopment project, please visit For additional information, media inquiries, or feedback, please contact or call 705-789-2311 ext. 2711.

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