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Manufacturers In Favour Of A Vaccine Passport

More than two out of three Canadian manufacturers (69%) support the use of a vaccine passport in their companies, but less than a quarter currently require it. Survey results show that manufacturers in Canada support vaccine mandates and passports to protect their employees and families, but they need and expect strong, clear guidance from governments at all levels, which has been missing.

This is the result of a survey conducted by Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) out of nearly 1,000 manufacturing companies across Canada. Among the highlights, we also note the main concern of manufacturers regarding the corporate vaccine passport: the legal risks.

“Right now, there is a lack of clarity about the use of the vaccine passport in the workplace. Businesses want to make sure their hands are free to move forward. Provinces must provide companies with the necessary tools to reduce the risks,” said Dennis Darby, CEO of Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME).

Easing for fully vaccinated people

“With labour shortages raging, for companies to get on board and require mandatory vaccination in the workplace, the rules must be the same for each and every company,” says Mr. Darby.

If a provincial government implements a vaccine passport for the industry, CME is also asking for flexibility for workers who are fully vaccinated.

“While some governments have begun to roll out mandates and passport systems, the focus is often on retail and public places, and not on how the rules can and will apply to manufacturers and their 1.7 million employees in the country. We believe that with clearer rules, vaccination levels will increase, and manufacturers who can prove their workforce is vaccinated, can return to pre-covid operational health and safety guidelines,” says Mr. Darby.

Clear and strict government guidelines on the use of this passport within companies will also allow employers to better manage risks when it comes to external visitors: it will be easier to require proof of vaccination from customers and suppliers, and thus safeguard the health and safety of workers.

Vaccination remains the key

Vaccination remains a key element for manufacturers, while the vast majority encourage and promote it to their employees.

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