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Lively Summer Ahead For Gull Lake Rotary Park In Gravenhurst

Photo by Stefan Ottenbrite

With the Bay and Beyond infrastructure project taking place, Gull Lake Rotary Park will be an even more bustling community gathering spot than usual this summer.

“Due to Bay and Beyond we have three events that are relocating from the wharf to Gull Lake for the 2024 season. It’s been a pleasure working with these organizations and accommodating them at the park,” Director of Recreation and Culture Shawna Patterson said. “We thank these organizations for their flexibility this year and their continued efforts to provide meaningful experiences for people.”

The following are the events that are moving from Muskoka Wharf to Gull Lake Rotary Park:

Other events and activities taking place at the park are as follows:

“Gull Lake Rotary Park has always been a special place and it will play an even greater role in community life this summer,” Mayor Heidi Lorenz said. “We have a terrific line-up of events taking place that will contribute to Gravenhurst in different ways and at the same time leave residents and visitors with fond memories for years to come.”

About the Bay and Beyond project 

Bay and Beyond is a three-year partnership infrastructure project with the District of Muskoka and the Town of Gravenhurst.

The project involves new underground pipes, roadway improvements, enhanced pedestrian safety and more opportunities for active transportation.

Learn more about Bay and Beyond.

We Dig Gravenhurst 

We Dig Gravenhurst is a Town of Gravenhurst initiative designed to support and enhance the experience of businesses, visitors, and residents during the Bay and Beyond infrastructure project.

Learn more about We Dig Gravenhurst. 

About Gull Lake Rotary Park 

Gull Lake Rotary Park is at 405 Brock St. and fronts beautiful Gull Lake.

The park is a hub for various community activities throughout the year, including outdoor musical concerts, swimming lessons, and sports activities.

Learn more about Gull Lake Rotary Park.

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