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Help Ensure Water Flows: Keep Catch Basins Clear

As temperatures rise and snow begins to melt, drainage issues can arise if catch basins are blocked by ice and debris. The District of Muskoka is urging residents to help prevent flooding by keeping catch basins clear.

Catch basins, the metal grates found along roads and in neighbourhoods, are a vital part of Muskoka’s flood management system. They channel excess water to stormwater management ponds, which then flow into local lakes and rivers. With more than 1,000 catch basins across Muskoka, keeping them clear ensures proper drainage and reduces the risk of pooling water on roads.

What Not to Put in Catch Basins

To keep drainage systems working properly, avoid placing the following materials in catch basins:

Safe Clearing Tips

When clearing a catch basin, follow these safety precautions:

To report a blocked catch basin, water pooling, or street flooding, call 705-645-2100.

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