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Have Your Say On The Future Of Arena Facilities In Muskoka Lakes

To support future recreation planning in Muskoka Lakes, the Township is seeking community input on the future of the Bala and Port Carling Arenas. A public survey is now live on Engage Muskoka Lakes, and will remain open until October 20th, 2023.

“Council has a keen interest in understanding the condition of the Township’s capital assets,” said Mayor Peter Kelley. “We want to hear from you! Sharing your feedback on our arenas will play an integral role as we plan for the future of recreation in Muskoka Lakes.”

After hearing from the community in 2022, Council adopted a Parks and Recreation Master Plan.  One of the key recommendations in that document was the completion of an Arena Feasibility Study.

The Arena Feasibility Study has now commenced with the goals of determining the current condition of both the Bala and Port Carling arenas, as well as further consulting on community wants and needs. Through this process, Lennox Architects has completed an inspection of each facility and life cycle analysis. Moving forward, the consultant will assess the community needs through a review of the existing facility usage data, results from the Parks and Recreation Master Plan survey, user group meetings, and a public survey with specific questions on the arena facilities.

When completed, Lennox Architects will share a final report detailing the preferred alternative for recreational space in Muskoka Lakes.

Share your thoughts before October 20, 2023 by visiting Engage Muskoka Lakes.

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