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Gravenhurst Senior Of The Year Award Nominations Now Open

Calling All Community Minded Exemplary Seniors!

Town Council is looking to the community, local service and community groups for potential nominees for the Province of Ontario’s Senior of the Year Award program.

This annual award, established in 1994, allows municipalities in Ontario to honour one outstanding local senior. The nominee must be over the age of 65 and have enriched the social, cultural or civic life of his or her community. Seniors who qualify for this award may have contributed to any number of fields, such as the arts, literature, community service, volunteering, education, environment, fitness, and humanitarian activities.

To be considered by Council, nominations must be received by the municipality by Wednesday, April 6th at noon. Council will then put forth their recommendation to the Province by April 30th. A certificate will be provided by the Ontario Government and presented to the honorary recipient at a future event with the Mayor and Council.

To nominate or be considered for this award please submit the nominee’s name and contact information, and a summary highlighting their contributions by visiting

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