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Get Ready For Road Maintenance And Resurfacing Projects In Bracebridge

The Town of Bracebridge will be making improvements to various roads this summer which will include maintenance and resurfacing.

The projects will take place from July to September 2022, Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., with extended hours as needed. For a list of scheduled road maintenance and resurfacing projects, please see the following

How these projects may affect you?
Driveway Access

• Primary access to residences and businesses will be maintained as much as possible. Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout construction with some temporary detours. Watch for signage  to ensure safety for all users.

• However, during normal construction hours, Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., vehicle access to and from your residence or business may be difficult, and driveways may be temporarily
closed when work is being carried out in the immediate area. For times when you do not have access to your driveway, alternative parking arrangements should be made. The contractor will  ensure that all driveways are accessible at the end of the work day.

• If someone in your home has physical disabilities or special needs for accessing your property, please contact, so that we can help ensure access is maintained where and when possible.

• With children home from school during the day, we would like to remind parents that in the interest of everyone’s safety please keep your children away from work areas.

Noise and Vibration
• Please anticipate some noise, dust and vibrations due to construction activity. We recommend that you remove small, light objects from shelving to prevent damage. The contractor is permitted to work between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on weekdays.

• During maintenance operations, traffic will be maintained to a minimum of one (1) lane. Please be aware of Traffic Control set-up and operations and give yourself appropriate travel time.

Walking and Cycling
• Sidewalk and bike lane access will be maintained with some detours in place to ensure safety.

Waste and Recycling Collection
• Please continue to put your garbage and recycling out on the usual day. It is the contractors responsibility to move your waste to a location that can be easily picked up by the waste vehicles and return your containers. To assist the contractor, we ask that you write your house number on your garbage cans, recycling bins and green carts.

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