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Ended – Georgian Bay Estates Drinking Water System Boil Water Advisory And Water Ban In Effect

UPDATE: Boil Water Advisory has been lifted for the Georgian Bay Estates Water System. Hand delivered notices have been provided to effected residents. 


The Georgian Bay Estates Drinking Water System will be on a Boil Water
Advisory immediately as directed by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit due to an emergency breakdown. Effected residents have been advised of the matter via hand delivered notice.

The Township of Tiny is working diligently to make all necessary repairs as quickly and efficiently as possible. We apologize for this service disruption and any inconvenience to the residents effected. Until the repairs are complete we will also need to put on a Temporary Water Ban. A watering ban is a complete ban on lawn watering and outdoor hose use, including but not limited to washing vehicles, slip-and-slides, recreational sprinklers, etc. Filling a watering can to water plants is permitted, but direct
watering from a hose or sprinkler system is prohibited. Please remember to turn off all timed sprinklers  during the watering ban.

Tiny’s Municipal Law Enforcement Officers will be monitoring affected areas for compliance. Instances of non-compliance can be reported to the Municipal Law Enforcement Department at 705-526-4136. Non-compliance may result in the issuance of a warning or a charge, with a fine of $180.

A boil water advisory means the water should NOT be used for drinking, making infant formula and juices, cooking, making ice, washing fruit or vegetables or brushing teeth. For these purposes, a boil water advisory has been issued. Before using water subject to a boil water advisory, the water should be brought to a rapid rolling boil for a minimum of one minute before using.

The watering ban has been implemented as a result of the hot summer temperatures, increased water usage and a lack of rain. These factors place significant demands on the municipal water systems. The watering ban will ensure that an adequate supply of water is available for essential needs, such as drinking water and fire suppression.

The watering ban and boil water advisory factors will be monitored on a daily basis. Notice will be issued when the watering ban and the boil water advisory is lifted. Visit

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