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Food Banks Across Canada Experience Overwhelming Demand With Almost Two Million Visits In One Month

“Relentless inflation and a broken social safety net has caused many people who never thought they would need a food bank to walk through the doors for the first time. With food banks across Canada in crisis mode, as demand reaches new all-time highs, we must ask: when is it enough before we act?” urges Kirstin Beardsley, Chief Executive Officer, Food Banks Canada in the newly-released HungerCount 2023 Report (CNW Group/Food Banks Canada)

According to the newly released Food Banks Canada HungerCount 2023 report, “Relentless inflation and a broken social safety net has caused many people who never thought they would need a food bank to walk through the doors for the first time.  With food banks across Canada in crisis mode, as demand reaches new all-time highs, we must ask: when is it enough before we act?” urges Kirstin Beardsley, Chief Executive Officer, Food Banks Canada.

The milestone report – the only research study encompassing the country’s 4,750+ food banks and community organizations – shows the devastating impact of rapid inflation and inadequate social supports on poverty, food insecurity and hunger in Canada.

HungerCount 2023 Findings

Number of visits in March 2023


Percentage increase from 2022

32.1 %

Percentage increase from 2019

78.5 %

People in every community across the country are at the breaking point. 

Food Banks Canada Policy Recommendations: Building a Better Road Ahead Demands Dual Focus

“The sad reality is that nothing will change until governments in Canada hear the alarm bells that have been ringing for far too long. Governments at all levels must respond. By focusing on urgent affordability issues and fixing our broken social safety net, a better path forward is possible – a Canada where no one goes hungry,” says Beardsley.

Food Banks Canada Policy Recommendations: It’s time to hear the alarms.

Despite years of sounding alarms and recommending much-needed solutions to address the struggles of low-income Canadians, food bank visits continue to rise. The runway for implementing solutions is running shorter and urgent government action is needed to prevent worsening conditions for millions of people in Canada.

The time to rebuild our outdated and broken social safety net is long overdue – action on an income floor is needed today.

Governments must react appropriately to the severity of the housing crisis.

As low-income workers flood food banks, Canada needs new policies that guarantee those who work will always have enough money to put food on the table.

Food insecurity and poverty must get special attention in northern and remote parts of Canada.

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