Southern Georgian Bay OPP responded at 4:58 p.m. December 18, 2020 to a report from Georgian Bay Fire Service of a single vehicle crash on the Honey Harbour Road, Georgian Bay Township.
Officers learned that the pick up truck had entered the southbound ditch striking a rock face and caught on fire with two people who had stopped at the scene being able to get the lone driver out and away from the burning vehicle to safety.
The driver was transported to Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) by Simcoe County Paramedic Services and was treated and released. Investigators entered into an impaired driving investigation while investigating the cause of the crash which resulted in the driver Johnjoe Danny Ganny 41 years of Tay Township being charged with operation while impaired – alcohol and drugs and driving while under suspension.
The accused was on release conditions from previous charges that are before the courts and was found to be in contravention of those conditions resulting in Failure to comply with release order.
The accused is being held for a video bail hearing and will appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Midland at a future date. The involved vehicle was towed and impounded for 7 days and the accused’s driver’s licence has been further suspended for 90 days under the conditions of the Administrative Drivers Licence Suspension (ADLS) .