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Crews Battle Construction Material Fire At Muskoka Woods

On Friday evening just before midnight, the Muskoka Lakes Fire Department and Seguin Fire Department were both called to a fire at Muskoka Woods located on Highway 141.

Upon arrival, construction materials inside a large commercial maintenance building were on fire and crews encountered heavy black smoke.

Crews made a great initial attack gaining control of the fire within minutes of arriving.  This building is over 1000 feet from any sleeping area or dwelling.

Due to the size of the structure, over 70,000 square feet, six water tankers were dispatched to the scene. Firefighters worked on fully extinguishing the fire until 4 a.m,.

This fire is not suspicious in nature. Crews say they have determined the origin and the first item ignited. The cause is under investigation and due to multiple ignition sources may be found to be undetermined.

There were no injuries to report. Estimated loss is $40,000 in materials, estimated save is over 1.5 million dollars.

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