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Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup Supporting Huntsville Hospital Foundation

The Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup is an incredible initiative that celebrates giving back and making positive impact in our community. This year, the U11 Huntsville Sting Black girls hockey team, will participate in the nationwide Good Deeds Cup contest, and they have chosen Huntsville Hospital Foundation as their charity of choice! The Good Deeds Cup is a challenge for minor hockey teams across Canada, to take the values they learn on the ice – determination, leadership, teamwork – and use them to support their communities off the ice. The team that accomplishes the most good deeds, January 17-March 6, 2025, wins a grand prize of $100,000.

‘We are excited to be involved with this year’s Good Deeds Cup, and to work with the U11 hockey team to help them win this contest! By choosing Huntsville Hospital Foundation, these young girls and their parents are supporting life-saving care, advanced medical equipment and exceptional healthcare for life, right here in Huntsville. It’s so nice to see these kids so passionate about their community and their hospital’, explains Trish Kruusmagi, Development Officer at Huntsville Hospital Foundation.

Shilah Smith, Team Manager told us: ‘The good deeds cup challenge is an amazing opportunity for our team to grow and bond while doing good for their local community. It’s a great learning experience for the girls as well, and its amazing how simple acts of kindness bring so much joy to others. I had the pleasure of being a part of Paul’s team last year, I remember my eldest daughter saying “It feels so good to make people feel good” and that truly a great explanation of what this good deeds cup means to us.’

Head Coach Paul Goyda shared his thoughts about the Good Deeds Cup: ‘I’ve seen the good deeds cup promoted on Hockey Night in Canada for several years and thought, one day I would love to enter a team. Last year we entered the U13 Huntsville Sting team – I was the head coach, and we ended up winning!  It was a great experience for the girls and really brought them together. This year we are entering the U11 Huntsville Sting team. It would be amazing if we could win the $100,000 for Huntsville Hospital Foundation!  With the support of the Huntsville Hospital Foundation, Huntsville Sting association and the community of Huntsville and surrounding areas, lets win the Good Deeds Cup!’

Here’s how YOU can help! Simply record a good deed with a photo or video and post to any social media platform tagging the following: @ChevroletCanada, #GoodDeedsCup #Contest #HuntsvilleStingBlackU11HL

Posts must include all of these to count and the team with the most good deeds WINS!

Examples of a good deed include snow shoveling, helping carry groceries, volunteering, donating to local charity like a food bank or shelter or Huntsville Hospital Foundation. Let’s bring joy to our community one good deed at a time and win $100,000 for Huntsville Hospital!

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