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Canada Post Contest Offers Big Prizes To Small Businesses

Canadians choose the $10,000 prize winner  

Canada Post added a new element to its Tales of Triumph contest supporting small businesses. The new “Canada’s Choice” category lets Canadians vote for their favourite contest finalist. The company with the most votes will receive a $10,000 prize package.

Created in 2020 to celebrate Canadian small businesses that adapted to COVID-19 in extraordinary ways, the Tales of Triumph contest is open to Canadian companies with less than $5 million in annual gross sales. The contest lets small businesses share their stories of creativity and resiliency for a chance to win prizes such as credits for Canada Post Parcel and Smartmail Marketing™ services.

An external panel of judges chooses all finalists in three categories. This year’s categories were:

  1. Doing Good: Recognizing businesses that know doing good is good for business. These businesses pride themselves on supporting others, making communities stronger and investing in a better Canada.
  2. Marketing Magic: These businesses are investing in marketing to strengthen and support their business’ growth and are growing their voice, awareness and presence.
  3. Rising Stars: Recognizing businesses that have launched over the past two years and have gone from 0 to 100 in the blink of an eye – be it an online business, a brick-and-mortar location, or anything in between.

Canadians can vote for the “Canada’s Choice” category via Canada Post’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram channels until July 31.

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