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Bracebridge Fire Crews Battle Structure Fire At Fenner Dunlop

On Thursday, May 2 at approximately 11:20 p.m., the Bracebridge Fire Department was dispatched to a structure fire at the Fenner Dunlop facility at 700 Ecclestone Drive. Upon arrival, crews discovered fire in the roof of the building which quickly spread to interior sections of the roof structure and HVAC system. Approximately 30 firefighters from Bracebridge Station 1 and 2 were on scene until 5:30 a.m. on Friday, May 3 to suppress the fire.

Crews remain on scene this morning to extinguish hot spots and work through the investigation process.

The Ontario Fire Marshal’s office has been notified about the incident. There is significant damage to the building and the cause of the fire is still under investigation.

No injuries have been reported.

Fenner Dunlop Bracebridge Statement to News Outlets Regarding Fire Incident

In the late hours of May 2, 2024, emergency responders were called to the Fenner
Dunlop Bracebridge plant following a report of a fire at the facility. We are profoundly
thankful to report that all employees were safely evacuated from the building and there
have been no reported injuries.
The safety and well-being of our employees are our utmost priority. Fenner Dunlop
acknowledges with gratitude the courageous employees, firefighters, and emergency
responders who exhibited remarkable courage and worked diligently in containing the
fire incident.
Fenner Dunlop is extremely grateful for the support received from the Bracebridge
community and our dedicated employees. At this time, the Bracebridge facility will not
be in operation, and the duration of this disruption is yet to be determined.
Fenner Dunlop is committed to the well-being and support of our employees during this
time to the best of our abilities. We know this situation arose very suddenly and an
immediate layoff without pay, per our employees’ collective bargaining agreement,
would put our employees in a very challenging situation.
Therefore, Fenner Dunlop will continue to pay employees’ wages and benefits until the
end of May 2024, or until operations resume, whichever comes sooner. Fenner Dunlop
will then reassess the ability to sustain wage continuation without production beyond
the end of May 2024, if the disruption continues beyond that point.
Currently, our focus is ensuring the safety and well-being of our employees and
collaborating with the local authorities to investigate the cause of the incident.
Fenner Dunlop, Bracebridg

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