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A Theft Of A Trailer And Snow Plows Has OPP In Huntsville Looking For Suspects

Huntsville OPP have started a theft investigation and are looking for tips from the public.

During the evening hours on Saturday, July 18th, 2020, unknown suspect(s) attended a business on Bickley Country Dr., Huntsville and stole a trailer described as a black dual axle 16 foot Gator Made trailer, model MAD with both rear and side beaver tail ramps.

The trailer is valued at approximately, $4,500

The unknown suspect(s) also attended a business on Howland Dr., Huntsville. gaining entry to the business, entered the shop yard and loaded the following items on the trailer stolen from the business at Bickley Country Dr., Huntsville.

– Stainless steel Boss V-DTX v plow, valued at approximately, $12,000

– Set of stainless steel plow wings valued, at approximately, $4,000

– Two sets of hydraulics for Boss plows, valued at approximately, $8,000

– Boss sander, valued at approximately, $10,000

Huntsville OPP will continue to investigate any suspicious activity in the town. Anyone who may have any further information about this is asked to contact Huntsville OPP at 705 789 5551.

You can also provide an anonymous tip online at or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to call display and you will remain anonymous. Being anonymous, you will not testify in court and your information may lead to a cash reward of up to $2,000. You can follow Crime Stoppers of Simcoe Dufferin Muskoka on Twitter or Facebook

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